By Hulin Robert

I am a sad little Christmas tree,
They're going to cut me down you see.

My budding branches will never, ever spread.
The saw is coming! Oh! That humming I dread.

They'll stan' me in a can and desecrate me.
They should never, ever, sever the trunk of a tree.

They'll cover me with tinsel, and my needles will dry.
I'll be dead forever and the thought makes me cry.

They'll cover me with trinkets of plastic and glass,
But my plain natural beauty, they can never surpass.

They'll oooh and they'll aaah and dote on the glitter.
And sooner or later I'll end up as litter.

The saw I hear! My time is near! I'm a sad little tree,
For I will never, ever, grow tall, for all to see.

Copyright 1997